圆形吊带 R7-04

  • 采用织带机制作。可根据要求采用不同的缝纫方法。
  • 采用高品质合成纤维和高强度涤纶丝制造。
  • 通过吊带的颜色和宽度很容易识别吊带的工作载荷。吊带的颜色完全按DIN-EN1492-1中规定的色标代码。每条吊带上均带有吨位线,每一根吨位线标识载重量1吨。
  • 安全系数: 4:1、5:1、6:1、7:1及8:1.
  • 材料:套管: 100%高强度涤纶丝(PES)
  • 填充物: 100%高品质合成纤维
  • 工作温度: -40°C- 100°C
  • 生产标准: EN-1492-2:2000.

Product parameter

The round slings are easy to use, efficient in operation and gentle on surface contact. All round slings are colour coded to give easy identification of the safe working load. They come with a label giving length and ton-nage. The round sling inner core is made from high tensile polyester fibre which is wound continuously without a join to provide the maximum possible strength. This core is protected by a tough woven tubular sleeve also made from polyester without side stitch. It serves to protect both the inner core of the sling and the surface of the product when it is lifting.


Colour Colour coded according
Working Load Limit with 1 web sling Working Load Limit with 2 web sling
Straight lift Choked lift  β Straight lift up to
Choked lift up to
Straight lift
45°  -60°
Choked lift
0°-7° Bis7° 7°-45° 45°-60° 45°-60°
1.0 0.8 2.0 1.4 1.0 0.7 0.5 1.4 1.12 1.0 0.8
Purple 1000 800 2000 1400 1000 700 500 1400 1120 1000 800
Green 2000 1600 4000 2800 2000 1400 1000 2800 2240 2000 1600
Yellow 3000 2400 6000 4200 3000 2100 1500 4200 3360 3000 2400
Grey 4000 3200 8000 5600 4000 2800 2000 5600 4480 4000 3200
Red 5000 4000 10000 7000 5000 3500 2500 7000 5600 5000 4000
Brown 6000 4800 12000 8400 6000 4200 3000 8400 5720 6000 4800
Blue 8000 6400 16000 11200 8000 5600 4000 11200 5960 8000 6400
Orange 10000 8000 20000 14000 10000 7000 5000 14000 11200 10000 8000
Orange 12000 9600 24000 16800 12000 84000 6000 16800 13440 12000 9600
Orange 15000 12000 30000 21000 15000 10500 7500 21000 16800 15000 12000
Orange 20000 16000 40000 28000 20000 14000 10000 28000 22400 20000 16000
Orange 30000 24000 60000 42000 30000 21000 15000 42000 33600 30000 24000
Orange 40000 32000 80000 56000 40000 28000 20000 56000 44800 40000 32000
Orange 50000 40000 100000 70000 50000 35000 25000 70000 56000 50000 40000
Orange 60000 48000 120000 84000 60000 42000 30000 84000 57200 60000 48000